Getting Right to Work!

Not long after moving to the city of stars, I arranged a staged reading of a brand new play, worked with my roommate to shoot a proof of concept for her feature length script, and have already been cast in two projects. I’m lucky to be working so much already!

Cross-Country Move…

Two weeks after graduating, my mom and I packed up a car with all of my belongings (and my wonderful kitty cat) and drove me to LA. Where I now live. Which is crazy to me. Three days after arriving, before my mattress had even arrived, I started taking advanced acting classes with Diane Charles at Margie Haber Studios.


May 2024 I officially graduated with a BFA in Theatre Performance from Baylor University. SO thankful for the experiences I had, how much I learned, and the life-long friends I made during my time there. Onward!

Final College Bow…

May 2024 I officially bowed for the last time on my univerity stage, finishing out my college career with a bang as Prospero in William Shakespeare’s The Tempest! Bittersweet, for sure.

Love Language

In December 2023, production flew me out to Atlanta to shoot the most beautiful film I’ve ever done. A touching, tender story about two people falling out of love that is so honest and raw. And bonus! WLW story!


People who don’t know me won’t know this. My biggest dream, over any kind of award, over meeting my idols, has been to be killed by a shark in a shark movie. Imagine how much fun I had on this set…

Before It’s Gone Black Glasses Film Festival 2023

Best Actress - Aedin Waldorf

Scouted for 2023 Deep in the Heart Film Festival. More news about this coming soon!

Men In Cars

Men in Cars (shot spring 2022) has been making its way through dozens of festivals, with its LA premier the first week of May!

List of Festivals and Accolades Downloadable here!

2x2x2 of me!

In the past couple of months, I have worked on two separate projects in which I have played two versions of myself in the same scenes, which has been such an interesting challenge to navigate and work with. Also SO cool to see the scenes edited!

First Time Directing

For my Beginning Directing class, our final assignment was to design and direct a 10 min scene from any realism play post 1940. I chose Crimes of the Heart, by Beth Henley and looked to elevate the themes of death/rebirth, as well as looking at every scene of the play through each of the sisters’ eyes, which led to a really fabulous, gritty scene! I’m so proud of my actors and what we created together.

Workshopping New Works

Baylor University does a fabulous job of facilitating new works through our department, and I was honored to be included in the critical first steps of an Arthur Miller style realism play, Mythos of Autumn. It is truly a humbling process to get to take the first steps into a role and also to recognize that much of this playwright’s future work on this script will be heavily influenced by my part in it.

My Netflix Debut!

June 2022, during tech week for the Crucible, I zoomed down to Galveston Island to film with Director Jessica Dimmock. This fall The Texas Killing Fields was released on Netflix, which was, of course, terribly exciting.

January in NYC for the A1 Conference

I presented some of my work at the A1 conference in January, then proceeded to tack on plenty of time in NYC to see the closing performance of A Strange Loop before running back to TX for the Spring semester!

Study Abroad Jun-July

Baylor Theatre offers a once-in-a-lifetime Study Abroad opportunity, taking us through Paris, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, and London on a month long excursion. In each city, we saw local, new-fangled theatre works - starting with the Bald Soprano in Paris and ending with & Juliet on West End. Though the bookends were tame, The Damned (Amsterdam) and Burnt City (London) were some of the most unique theatre styles I’ve ever experienced and helped to broaden my appreciation for the absurd and cruel.

Filming for Dave and Angel

I like to stay busy - even over school breaks! I spent winter break on set for Dave and Angel, a short film shot in Galveston with LOTS of SFX!

Best Actress 48 Hr Film Festival 2020

First festival back after COVID! Had a blast that weekend with such a talented cast and crew filled with a ton of good friends!

Summer of 2020 Acting Classes

Practice never stops… not even the pandemic could keep all these devoted actors out of class for long. We met over Zoom every week to take classes from our awesome coach: Deke Anderson.

Best Actress One-Act TX 2019

Jennie Mae in the Diviners with Fort Bend Christian Academy

Best Actress, 48 Hour Film Festival 2019

Worked on my first ever short film, after 6 or so months of on-camera classes. I’m In even won some exiting awards!